This is a game made up of a series of challenges.
Each challenge consists of a start page and a finish page.
The rules are simple. In order to complete the challenge all you
have to do is get to from the start page to the finish page.
Once you are at the finish page, there will be a link to the start for the
next challenge. Simple? You bet!.. All you will need to play is a
knoweledge of some basic web stuff such as HTML and a little Javascript.
You will also need to have and know how to use an image editor for
some of the challenges (Photoshop, PainShopPro or similar will do, and, I'm told,
so will MS Paint.) As always in these situations, a little creative
thinking will get you a long way.
(You can go here
to practice that.)
New! Congratulations to loOol for beating all the challenges
and winning a free
flooble T-shirt
(Sorry, but that's the only one we can give away right now.) I hope you still have fun with
the game, with no carrot dangling in front of you.
We do ask that you log in before playing the game so that we can
keep track of your progress. Sigining up is a breeze, and takes a couple of
Please log in:
Latest Achievments:
necro_nick - Challenge 7 (69h 54m)
necro_nick - Challenge 6 (2m)
necro_nick - Challenge 5 (0m)
necro_nick - Challenge 4 (12m)
necro_nick - Challenge 3 (1m)